Jason Chad Hill
Artist Statement
Through art I found a passion I once thought was lost. The process of creating art and the feeling of completing a piece of art helps fuel me to create; knowing my art will find a home with someone and it will hopefully bring them joy gives me a feeling of purpose and enables me to share my passion with the world. When presented with my art, I hope to illicit an emotion and leave an impact on the viewer. I love seeing people with my art; it’s a way to form a connection between humans through my art.
Jason grew up in a small rural town in Eastern North Carolina. With not a lot to do, his time was filled with television and drawing. As he grew older he decided to attend art school and graduated with a degree in ceramics from UNCW. Jason has practiced many mediums such as pen and ink and repurposing paper now to teaching himself digital art. Lately, his focus has been acrylic painting. Jason recently relocated to Durham from the coast and lives with his dog, Magic.
Conversations with Jason Hill - VoyageRaleigh Magazine | Raleigh's Most Inspiring Stories